Whiskey and Walnut(s)

Posted on March 11, 2012


When you’re someone who’s into woodwork and construction type activities its natural to apply those things to your living environment. This means that people like me often choose to refurbish or build their own houses rather than pay someone else to do it. Makes perfect sense, right? Except this means that you actually spend most of your time and effort moving things from one place to another; materials in, waste out etc etc….and not much time doing the thing you loved that got you here in the first place.

Don’t feel too bad for me though, I have a reward system I operate that keeps things balanced. Amongst the hard work and drudgery I throw in little projects that are just for me. A variety of these have appeared on this blog over the years, although I’ve never really advertised them as being part of my house refurb trauma therapy programme…now you know the truth.

This project is made from American Black Walnut – the same batch of timber that made Claire’s jewellery box, coffee thing and Kathryn’s jewellery stand. Its amazing what you can achieve with a few planks when you’re a miser with wood.

This particular project is a double reward, as the contents are also a welcome treat. I imagine I’ll have to do something really unpleasant to get back into credit after this one.

All projects come to an end though and after 8 years the house is nearly done (or as done as its going to get) after which its all gravy…or walnut…but not walnut gravy, that would be a bad thing.


Posted in: Ed, Furniture, House